Number: 01 Name: New reborn Keywords: intro Description: Under the open sky, the remains of the previous civilizations are creating new nations, new tools, homes and communities. From the ashes rises another family full of hope and longing for life. People are always the same. Nothing could stop them. Regardless of the time when they exist ... No matter the technology, science or philosophy and knowledge. People are always the same. Nothing could stop them. Who has the power, wants it more, who has nothing, wants to survive. Both are only one step from the abyss. In the second may fail and pull the trigger. Number: 02 Name: Devil's dance Keywords: eveil power Description: No. I'm not the devil. Something more lifelike. You'll get know me, you just have to want to get know me. The devil smiled in a such captivating and heady way. Soon after the restoration of a new beginning, things start to change rapidly and the breathtaking speed of changes is harming to millions of human beings. The secret powers (the stubborn gods who are neither good nor bad) are waiting for a moment of the greatest suffering and instability. Everyone is drowning in an ocean of dirty gray and each has its own objectives. There is no man like a god ... A streanger has came and started the game of long nails and short chain. We were heady and terrified when we were watching how he was dancing on his own cards.. Number: 03 Name: Knock, knock the death Keywords: loosing beloved Description: "General? Your daughter was murdered.. Yes, I'm sure. Her's body is covered by remains of nucleonic projectiles.. Yes, such projectiles uses the enemy..". To move a single figure on a chessboard is enought.. and the body of a young girl, which is resting under the haze of red dress, is ripped apart by vacuum of empty space to particles of hydrocarbon. General or king, simple man or soldier, each of them loose many of his existence. In the end he will remain alone in agony of loneliness. If he hasn't the control of other people's lives, he will die by sorrow. If he's powerful.. soon he will unchain the hell! Number: 04 Name: Marching to the battle Keywords: desire for the freedom Description: Desire for the freedom, the possibility to do everything we want to is far more stronger than the calling of the highest Hearts (playing cards). The occupation of powerless is soon or later going to change to war for the highest principle which is alsou the the biggest handicap of mankind. "For the freedom? Bwah! I kill to live. Those bastards will be ripped apart when I send some bullets through their necks! Fuck off freedom, I kill for myself.. and that is freedom!". Number: 05 Name: The night ambush Keywords: cowardly ambushed Description: "..1:0 for those sons of the bich.." The presence of death is all around the rebel's camp and the stranger is stuffing his pockets with human souls which he has won in a rulete. Just few of them remains and the rusty chains gives them the courage to choose to live as a slaves. One or two of them has surrvived the blast of nucleonic bullets. But even if just one surrvived, just for a very one second, the desire will nevere die.. "..1:0 for those sons of the bich.." Number: 06 Name: Unexpected visitor Keywords: tempting offer Description: The stranger is raking his hair and preparing for flight out of his homeworld. All is ready. But things aren't going as he expected. He must start a new game, even though the figure stays the same. "General? Your daugther is alive.. Yes, I'm sure. Her's body is covered by the elixir of life.. Yes, such substance exists just in the Fields of unknown.. You can go there with me right now." Number: 07 Name: The field of unknown Keywords: place of life and death Description: I've been at many places where new worlds is being crated. Everything there is created as unbeliveably as the new complitated elements are creating from the simpliest molecules of hydrogen - it's the same think like when some star explode. At this very place isn't need for energy, just a thought is enougth. At this very place my body and life of my daugther aren't important.. everything can happen there. Number: 08 Name: Finally here Kyewords: revive form dead is not possible Description: Finnaly I've get at the place where exists my beloved. This is life after death, just death or whole new kind of exitence? I don't know. But I know that I was cheated. Get back our beloved is not possible. Simply, this is cannot be done.. Number: 09 Name: New anger Keywords: epilogue Description: The stranger is raking his hair and trying to fight against the power, which is pulling him back to his world. This time he lost, but he'll wait. Just wait for another chance. It doesn't matter that it can take ten, hundred or thousands of years. };+>